Sayram-Ugam National Park

Sayram-Ugam National Park is a protected area located in the western part of Kazakhstan. 

Here are some key details about Sayram-Ugam National Park:

Location: Sayram-Ugam National Park is situated in the southern part of Kazakhstan, near the border with Uzbekistan. It covers an area of approximately 650,000 hectares.

Landscape: The park features a diverse and picturesque landscape, which includes mountains, forests, lakes, rivers, and alpine meadows. It is a region of high ecological value with unique flora and fauna.

Biodiversity: The national park is known for its rich biodiversity. It is home to a variety of plant and animal species, some of which are rare and endangered. The park's diverse ecosystems support a range of wildlife, including snow leopards, Bukhara deer, and numerous bird species.

Conservation: The primary purpose of Sayram-Ugam National Park is to protect the natural environment and preserve the region's unique ecosystems. It is part of ongoing conservation efforts to safeguard Kazakhstan's natural heritage.

Recreational Activities: The park offers various recreational activities for visitors, including hiking, trekking, wildlife watching, and camping. The picturesque landscapes make it an attractive destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers.

Cultural Heritage: In addition to its natural beauty, the park also contains sites of historical and cultural significance, including ancient petroglyphs and archaeological remains.


Sayram-Ugam National Park is a valuable natural and cultural asset in Kazakhstan, providing opportunities for both conservation and outdoor recreation. It showcases the country's commitment to preserving its natural heritage and promoting sustainable tourism in the region.


Otyrar city ruins

Otyrar, also known as Otrar, is an ancient historical and archaeological site located in southern Kazakhstan. It was once a bustling and influential city along the Silk Road, playing a significant role in the region's history.

The Aral Sea

The Aral Sea, once one of the world's largest inland bodies of water, is located in Central Asia, spanning the borders of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Historically, it was known for its abundant fish stocks and its importance as a vital water source for the surrounding region. However, the Aral Sea has experienced a severe ecological and environmental crisis over the past few decades due to human activities.

The Muyunkum Desert

The Muyunkum Desert, also spelled as "Moynaqum" or "Moyunqum," is a desert located in southern Kazakhstan, near the border with Uzbekistan.